Lates News

Valley rain and mountain snow

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8 hours 44 minutes ago by ariel
Wednesday was a cold day, and now rain and snow has moved in. Look for the stormy weather to continue into next week!

We saw another cold morning on Wednesday, and clouds moving in through the day trapped the cold air at the surface. Rain eventually began to fall late this afternoon, and with the cold air already in place... snow levels were low! Snow fell in Redding, Rancho Tehama, and in the upper parts of Paradise. This storm itself isn't especially cold, it just moved in over a very cold airmass already in place over northern California. The storm will scour the cold air out on Thursday, and snow levels will rise to near 3500' by Thursday afternoon. Light rain should be steady overnight, turning to off-and-on showers on Thursday.

Friday will start dry, but another storm will arrive Friday night, and last through Saturday morning. Not much wind, and snow levels will be around 3500' again.

We'll get a break in the rain on Sunday, but another storm will arrive Monday night, lasting through Tuesday night. Again, not much wind and snow levels will be near 3500'

Models are hinting at yet another storm late next week. None of these storms look very strong. But with a steady supply of light rain coming... the totals will eventually add up nicely!


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